• Hi and welcome to GoneGambling



Super Moderator
Some folks didn't get the Newsletter so I'm posting a copy here:


Happy Holidays! GoneGambling is getting it`s festive on and firing up our annual Twelve Days of Christmas in our own
very special way!

Over these next twelve days, you`ll be treated with some sort of holiday cheer--gifts from GoneGambling. Each day,
you`ll want to check your mailbox, or the newsletter section of the forum for details on what goodies the GoneGambling
elves are dishing up for you.

Before I get to today`s treat, I have a couple of important reminders for you...


We`re only one week away from the appearance of our most treasured (and reviled!) guest, Drunk Santa! Not only will
you be treated to/and or disgusted by Saint Drunkolas, Deedeemoe will be playing hostess (handing out cookies and
egg nog) and John the Janitor will be ensuring Santa doesn’t harm himself or anyone in the chatroom. You`ll be treated
to gifts from GAIA, a holiday carol or two and all members who attend chat will share in ONE MILLION GG’s!
If you`ve never been to the Holiday Chat, it`s genuinely the most fun event of the year at GoneGambling--so don`t miss

The date for the Annual Holiday Chat is Sunday, December 18th and as luck would have it, it will land on that new
'alternate' time, being 4PM, EST and will end at 7PM, EST. Hope you`ll be joining us for all the crazy merriment!


Don`t forget to check out the massive deals we have on the GoneGambling homepage. You’ll love the casinos and
you’ll love all the perks you’ll get, just for trying out these new casinos!

As this is only Day One of our Twelve Days of Christmas, we’ll start small, with 15 Feature GetLucky’s, filled with
holiday spirit! There`ll be so much more to come and each day will surely bring something special!
Happy, happy holidays and as always, win BIG!!!

- Greedygirl

Your GetLucky vouchers can be played from the Get lucky page here.
Next click on the "GetLucky" button and play the game. If you have more than one game voucher number you should
only type in one voucher number at a time. Play that voucher number and then type in the next one.
To see if you have any unused game vouchers click on the "List Vouchers" button. You may also review the prizes you
have won by clicking on the "List Vouchers" button.

Please don`t forget that the GoneGambling site is kept up and running from advertising dollars paid to us from our
sponsoring casinos. It`s very important that we have a large number of NEW accounts opened with each casino each
month to keep them sponsoring our site. When opening a NEW account please use the links on the GoneGambling

You can also get some great deals from our Auction Rooms where you win GG Points or GetLucky vouchers just for
opening a NEW casino account.
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Pickled Onion
I did get the newsletter, but a day late. It seems that all mails are delayed from GG to me. Then i get a shitl.... in my mailbox, mostly the ones you get when you move a level up on your getlucky.