Pickled Onion
THE wife and I decide we would make the cattle show where the grandaughter was showing her livestock (another story) that is also half way to a casino we play at
We left the cattle show and make it to Choctaw casino near grant Okla.
I had a 40.00 voucher to play that we got in the mail
The very first machine I stopped at, I put in the whole 40 and started pulling at 2.50 a pull after 5 or 6 pulls dropped down to 1.25 on the second pull hit the free spins now back up to 65.00
Played a bit longer and go back to 2.50 and hit free spins
now, we are up to 125. Played back down to 105 and walked
Go over to another machine and no luck then anopther and no luck
down to 45.00
Do we walk or play ? Decided to play set down at another machine to play .It isa lion machine with three different lions that give you different amount of free games. It was green lion at 73 games, Red lion at 41 games and the gold one was at 12
I know these lions usually trigger at gold18-21, red 40 to 45 and green is usually 75 to 78 have seen it at a 100 or more
Start playing at MAX bet 1.25 the gane was good the gold lion quickly moved up to 18 games and triggered. I was down to about 4.00 . Thsi got me back up to about 50.00 keep playing and surprise it triggers again at 16 spins , I am up to 75
Still playing and it triggers at 17 spins for very little return
I am watching the red and gree lions and finally they both move up a spin each and then another
I am all the way back down to rouly 15.00 when the Green lion triggers at 76 free spins .
NOTE : Wife has moved on she has played out a 100.00 out of pocket so we are down 100.00
then I find out she is down another 100 . When she comes back
she is down 230.00 .So really we are in the hole
My lion machine comes thru at spin 57 I think it was for 49.60
then again at I think 65 fro 78.00
The decent hits keep coming and when all said and done I am up 529.00
I give her her 230 back . We play a little more and then leave and head to Shreveport
We get there and she has 65.00 in voucher play plus a free night stay for two nights we could only stay one
______________TRIP TO THE BOATS___________________
We get a room at Boomtown and by the time we settle in it is about 9:30 or so
Walk down to the casino and start playing a 4 corner machine put in 40.00 at 2.60 a pull and nothing drop down to 1.30 and hit free spins am now back up .continue to play and hit free spins again for only 7.00
Hit again for 14.00
Pull out with with about 27.00 and put in a machine (4 corner ) we play on it and finally hit and we are up to 85.00 I think at 70 we walk away
Keep playing several machines and now we have used up the voucher money she was given .We start in on the money we won at Grant
She took a 100 and I took a 100 we played for a long time on two machines and finally it took me down to roughly 35.00
She was still at about 50
I go over to a walking dead machine and put my voucher in and play at 2.75 I think is max bet .Down to 1.75 so I go for broke and put the 30 in . The wife shows up and she is back up to 110 or so
I am down to I think 20 or so and hit free spins that pays me about 22.00.
I am now at 2.25 a pull and thinking about getting out as I am at 50 or so . I decide to stay and pull a few more times .Up and down up and down, just enough return to keep me playing
Bang hit the free spins 15 games at 2 x the bet
The very first spin and goboom the big win
Hit a guy all the way across with two wilds at 2 x 8
At the 400.00 mark I told the wife this is big. I had no idea
how big it was . The grand jack pot was 2,829.00
At the end of 15 spins I was at a unbelieveable win of 4,689.27
Will try and get a pic on here in a day or so
After I am paid out I see that I am paid nearly double what the grand was
I played the 46.00 and hit for another 260. at that point I walked away ( I did play 50 back thru so walked with 210 ) plus the 4,689.00
over all on a 100.00 or so in vouchers we had a big return
Can't complain when you get that kind of hit
Finally went to the room at around 4 in the morning
Played all that time on another 300 or so
The only problem is the wife wants half and right now she has it all
Nothing better than a nice return on money they send you

We left the cattle show and make it to Choctaw casino near grant Okla.
I had a 40.00 voucher to play that we got in the mail
The very first machine I stopped at, I put in the whole 40 and started pulling at 2.50 a pull after 5 or 6 pulls dropped down to 1.25 on the second pull hit the free spins now back up to 65.00
Played a bit longer and go back to 2.50 and hit free spins
now, we are up to 125. Played back down to 105 and walked
Go over to another machine and no luck then anopther and no luck
down to 45.00
Do we walk or play ? Decided to play set down at another machine to play .It isa lion machine with three different lions that give you different amount of free games. It was green lion at 73 games, Red lion at 41 games and the gold one was at 12
I know these lions usually trigger at gold18-21, red 40 to 45 and green is usually 75 to 78 have seen it at a 100 or more
Start playing at MAX bet 1.25 the gane was good the gold lion quickly moved up to 18 games and triggered. I was down to about 4.00 . Thsi got me back up to about 50.00 keep playing and surprise it triggers again at 16 spins , I am up to 75
Still playing and it triggers at 17 spins for very little return
I am watching the red and gree lions and finally they both move up a spin each and then another
I am all the way back down to rouly 15.00 when the Green lion triggers at 76 free spins .
NOTE : Wife has moved on she has played out a 100.00 out of pocket so we are down 100.00
then I find out she is down another 100 . When she comes back
she is down 230.00 .So really we are in the hole
My lion machine comes thru at spin 57 I think it was for 49.60
then again at I think 65 fro 78.00
The decent hits keep coming and when all said and done I am up 529.00
I give her her 230 back . We play a little more and then leave and head to Shreveport
We get there and she has 65.00 in voucher play plus a free night stay for two nights we could only stay one
______________TRIP TO THE BOATS___________________
We get a room at Boomtown and by the time we settle in it is about 9:30 or so
Walk down to the casino and start playing a 4 corner machine put in 40.00 at 2.60 a pull and nothing drop down to 1.30 and hit free spins am now back up .continue to play and hit free spins again for only 7.00
Hit again for 14.00
Pull out with with about 27.00 and put in a machine (4 corner ) we play on it and finally hit and we are up to 85.00 I think at 70 we walk away
Keep playing several machines and now we have used up the voucher money she was given .We start in on the money we won at Grant
She took a 100 and I took a 100 we played for a long time on two machines and finally it took me down to roughly 35.00
She was still at about 50
I go over to a walking dead machine and put my voucher in and play at 2.75 I think is max bet .Down to 1.75 so I go for broke and put the 30 in . The wife shows up and she is back up to 110 or so
I am down to I think 20 or so and hit free spins that pays me about 22.00.
I am now at 2.25 a pull and thinking about getting out as I am at 50 or so . I decide to stay and pull a few more times .Up and down up and down, just enough return to keep me playing
Bang hit the free spins 15 games at 2 x the bet
The very first spin and goboom the big win
Hit a guy all the way across with two wilds at 2 x 8
At the 400.00 mark I told the wife this is big. I had no idea
how big it was . The grand jack pot was 2,829.00
At the end of 15 spins I was at a unbelieveable win of 4,689.27
Will try and get a pic on here in a day or so
After I am paid out I see that I am paid nearly double what the grand was
I played the 46.00 and hit for another 260. at that point I walked away ( I did play 50 back thru so walked with 210 ) plus the 4,689.00
over all on a 100.00 or so in vouchers we had a big return
Can't complain when you get that kind of hit
Finally went to the room at around 4 in the morning
Played all that time on another 300 or so
The only problem is the wife wants half and right now she has it all
Nothing better than a nice return on money they send you

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