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Recent content by PorrickSF

  1. PorrickSF

    I was in chat but it still wasn't enough...

    I go through onions faster than Trump goes through Russians.... Geez... Can anyone spare a couple of conversions worth? Pretty Please? Thanks! pt
  2. PorrickSF

    So Like... um... oh my Golly Gosh Gee Whillickers!

    OK so like... um... last week... um... I totally went, you know, like out of state and... um... like... it like totally screwed up my like points N shiz, ya know? So I was like, totally hoping like there's like some like Mother Theresa wannabe or something like lurking in the shadows or...
  3. PorrickSF

    Conversion Perversion...

    I have a conversion that I just can't seem to get it (my gg balance) up for! I need help to keep my head on the right way. Otherwise I'll have to stay awake all night playing with myself (Casino Match, BoB & Horse Racing) to try and earn enough gg's to convert. Would anybody be willing to...
  4. PorrickSF

    I missed chat, Damn it...

    and I don't even have enough onions to make soup! If there's anyone out there with a comma (or especially two) in their point total, I'd be mighty grateful if you could throw a soup's worth my way... Thank you kindly! :) PT
  5. PorrickSF

    I couldn't make it to Chat! :(

    Can anyone spare a conversion or two's worth of gg's? Thanks! :) pt
  6. PorrickSF

    I wasn't there during the infamous "John" chat so...

    ...somehow I'm broke again... *sigh* Can anyone help? Thanks, pt
  7. PorrickSF


    How long before it's fixed? How long before it's fixed? D or John... can ya'll tell us how long before it's fixed?
  8. PorrickSF

    Big Win?

    I hope this worked?
  9. PorrickSF

    Extra! Extra! GG Fairy broke & pregnant with John's baby!

    ok ok.... so I'm not pregnant and it's not John's but... I am broke and could use a few gg's if you've got any. I've got to 2 conversion and a negative gg worth. Thanks! pt p.s. I hope the headline at least brought you a smile...
  10. PorrickSF

    Conversion Perversion...

    but not a gg in sight (or bank) to do it with? Would anyone be willing to help... ahem... give me a hand? (So to speak) ;) pt
  11. PorrickSF

    Two conversions and no dough...

    Can anyone spare some bread so I can turn over a new loaf? Thanks Gang! pt
  12. PorrickSF

    Thi9s sucks so bad my computer is starting to sound like a Hoover...

    Can anyone spare a few gg's? It's been an awful week and I just don't have the patience to try to scratch together a few measly dozen with BoB. Thanks, pt
  13. PorrickSF

    I'd like to play in tournaments...

    Can anyone spare a few for the individual tourny or lend me a few to help/join a team? Thanks! p
  14. PorrickSF

    Haven't been able to make it to chat...

    and now I have two conversions that I can't do anything with. Can someone please be merciful and lend me some gg's so I can get these conversions? Thank You! pt
  15. PorrickSF

    Can conversions convert me?

    Hi GG Communuity, I have two conversions (One for Slotland and One for Winaday) and since I haven't been able to make it to chat because of the crazy schedules this summer I have exactly 7 gg's... so lemme think... 4000-7 = 3,993 (with a nod to Doc for point well taken) I was wondering if...