• Hi and welcome to GoneGambling
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  • Hi kittydog--

    First, welcome back!

    Sorry you're having trouble, but this should be pretty easy. Unfortunately, when we added the new forum, we were unable to merge the two sites together (the Main site and the forum). Because of this, you'll need to sign up for a new membership over on the Main site.

    If you're still continuing to have trouble, please let me know and I'll try and sort things out for you.

    All the best,

    Hello, I know you are very busy so thank you for taking the time to read this..I have an account here I started some years ago and I recently joined back in but I'm having some difficulty. the only link I can successfully log into and access is the forums, but that's it. it lets me log in with my username and password in the forum section, but when I try to login to other parts of the site it doesn't accept my username and password. so then when I tried to submit my email for my password recovery it said emai not registered. So there's my catch 22. when I try to sign up again it said email already registered.. so I'm stuck. Any thoughts on what to do? And congrats :)
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