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It's christmas


Pickled Onion
Here in Denmark we celebrate christmas on the 24'th in the evening. We meet to the christmas dinner, sing christmas carols, and then we open the presents. As usual im very very spoiled, and know that Lars have bourght everything i wishted for.
Lars and i want to wish you all, a merry merry christmas, Where ever you are, no matter what day you celebrate christmas, or if you don't.
At the same time, i wish a big TY to Greedy, Jeff and most of all To Deedemoe. Under all this trouble, she found the time to pm about a bonus, and had'nt even written to her. She's just amazing, an makes this place run as smooth as a babys butt.
From Denmark to all over the world.
A merry merry Christmas
kikk1 & lasse1