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Newsletter - March 27, 2015


Pickled Onion

Dear GG Member,

For the past couple weeks I've been sick as a dog. I thought I was staving off a cold, but in reality, I was slowly ramping up to a hefty case of bronchitis. I hate getting sick, but I've always been able to suffer through and get myself better. This time getting sick, I have that significant other in my life. Joe has assured me he would help with anything I need...'take real good care' of me.


Since Joe and I have been dating, he's been sick a few times. Like most of his kind (I'm talking about men!), he's a great big baby when he gets sick. "Debbee-where's the Kleenex?" "Debbee-do I have a fever?" "Debbee-is it time for my medicine?" "Debbee-it's too hot in here." "Debbee-it's too cold in here." "Debbee-is there any juice?" "Debbee-is there any soup?" You get the point.

Being of the female kind, I'm always attentive and pro-active. Of course I want Joe to get better, but really, the faster he's well, the more sanity I'll retain and the less exhausted I'll be. Taking care of a baby, er, a grown man who is not feeling up to snuff is well, a pain in the behind.

When Joe told me he'd take 'real good care' of me, my first instinct was to give him a taste of his own medicine and start asking "Joe-where's the Kleenex?" and "Joe-do I have a fever?" and so on. I decided not to go that route, only because I wanted him to see that an adult DOESN'T need to be babied when they're sick. The first couple days of not feeling well, I was sneezing, had a runny nose, sore throat and a bit of a cough. It took Joe nearly three days to realize that I wasn't feeling well. He thought my scratchy voice was an attempt to be sexy! Lunkhead! He asked me if I needed anything and I told him that I needed him to go to the pharmacy and pick up some cold medicine, cough drops and juice. He DID manage to come home with the cold medicine. He forgot the cough drops and juice, but he DID remember he needed razors, soda, chips and some candy!

As the days went on, I was getting sicker. I'd get up, feed the pups, remind Joe to take his own medicine and I'd go about my day. The cough was getting worse and my energy level was tanking. Joe would ask "how're you feeling? Anything you need?" This would be right after either I'd just gone to the market or prepared a meal for us or cleaned up the kitchen! "No, Joe," I'd reply, with that nasally, scratchy voice, followed by a coughing fit. "Ok, well if you need anything, just let me know," was always Joe's response!

Sunday night was the worst. I tried my best to hang with chat, but the coughing was getting the best of me. I went to lie down and Joe came into the bedroom. "Deb-are you ok? You're still not feeling well? Did you want to go to dinner tonight?" I looked at him with daggers in my eyes. "Do I look like I want to go to dinner? Do I look like I can even move my body? I don't want to go to dinner. I don't want to do anything, except finish coughing up this lung! I thought you were gonna take 'real good care' of me!" Joe's reply? "I keep telling you if you need anything..." Men!!!

Late that night, er, very early in the morning (around 4am), the coughing was at its worst point. I couldn't quite catch my breath in any sort of laying down position. I have no idea how Joe could sleep through this, as it went on for hours. When Joe woke up around 7, he asked why I was awake. I explained that I had been coughing all night and could not sleep because of it. "Why don't you go to the doctor?" Gee. Why didn't I think of that?

Now that Joe had the 'brainstorm' that I should see the doctor, I did go and had myself checked out. As I already mentioned, the verdict was bronchitis. When I got home and told Joe, this is what he told me...

"Don't worry, Deb. I'll take good care of you. Just tell me what you need." And then he added one more bit: "How long do you think you're gonna be sick?"




Spring is in the air, Peter Cottontail is canoodling with the neighborhood bunnies and unfound Easter eggs will surely be rotting away in many backyards. What better time to have a WinADay Sweepstakes?!?!?

In case you don't know about the WinADay Sweeps, this is where one single GG can purchase an entry that may in turn win you $500 in WinADay casino cash! There are dozens of casino cash prizes and tons of GG's to be won. We've had members win more than $800 casino cash in a single Sweepstakes!

Just remember that in order to win any casino cash, you'll have to have made that minimum $50 deposit into your WinADay account within 30 days prior to the Sweepstakes going off. Forget to make that deposit and you may be a very sad bunny!


I know this Casino of the Week is gonna make our members giddy! This week, we're bringing you a casino new to GoneGambling: Lincoln Casino! It's been a VERY long time since we've had a Wager Gaming Technology platform casino here at GoneGambling-for many of our members, it may very well be the first time playing on this fun software. To get you REALLY fired up to play, our friends at Lincoln Casino have come up with a PHENOMENAL first deposit bonus: 250%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's really too cool to pass up!

250% up to $500
Code: GG250
Min Deposit: $25
no max withdrawal
Wagering: 20x bonus + deposit
Qualifying Games - http://www.lincolncasino.eu/bonus-terms-conditions

For all the details on this week's Casino of the Week, just click this link.


We're just one week out from our next Tournament Triathlon, where there will be a gargantuan Bounty of 6.4 MILLION GG's AND $640 in iNetBet casino cash! The April Tournament Triathlon will begin Friday, April 3rd, so get ready!

In the meantime, we have a couple of fun Tournaments for your enjoyment this weekend:

KIDNAPPED Tournament for Individuals - begins Friday, 2AM, EDT
MOON ROCKET Team Tournament - begins Saturday, 2AM, EDT
Each Tournament runs three days.

Have fun!


I keep saying it...and it's true! One of the best things about our new forum is seeing the return of members we haven't seen in a while. Skinnyviking is one of those very members and it's great seeing her hanging with the gang, again. Skinny has been a member since 2001, which makes her a 'lifer' and always a joy to have around. For that, Skinnyviking gets the Member of the Week honors. Enjoy your bling, Skinny!


In case you haven't guessed it already, Souper Onion has opted for the WinADay Sweepstakes! Need we say more than we've already said about it???

Good luck!


This Sunday, we'll have fun stuff going on in the forum, as well as our usual 5-minute Boom or Bust and two up-cards in the Advance game. What we WON'T be having is our regular Sunday chat, so that Deedeemoe and I will have time to enjoy the holiday with family and friends. We truly hope you have a wonderful holiday with those you love, as well. The regular Sunday chat will be back, next week.


I'm so happy to see more members getting involved with the new forum. If you've yet to check it out, please stop by...say hi...put your two cents in...let us know how you like it...or what you'd like to see more of/less of...just say something!

And with that, I hope you have the best Easter weekend EVER...and as always, win BIG!!!



Super Moderator
Yes Chat this Sunday... No Chat Easter Sunday

Yes Chat this Sunday... No Chat Easter Sunday

Oddball is right, Easter is next week.

Chat will be ON for THIS Sunday.
There will be NO CHAT next Sunday, which will be Easter Sunday.

The Sweeps is on NOW.

Sorry for the confusion folks.


Pickled Onion

When I screw up, I screw up!

Isn't it gonna be Easter somewhere in the world this Sunday? Maybe the Easter Islands???
